
How to style longer hair

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Hello and welcome to 2021 from the UK. I’m Jen Winters in Lockdown 2.0! I know what your all thinking, what does hair and lockdown have in common? Well… they are both pretty bad at the moment. With barbershops closed throughout the UK and most of Europe our mops are getting pretty out of control just like this crappy virus!

But don’t fret dear pomade seekers I’m here to help you get through this tough hair time with the help of King Brown Pomade. I will be sharing tips and tricks to help maintain that mane.

I know a lot of you will think to yourself, I know exactly how to sort my barnett out… 3 words. Wear a hat! But even though this is one good idea we have to look at, maintaining your hair is a form of selfcare. This can help with keeping us upbeat during these dark times, dressing for yourself can help us motivated and positive. So, I want you all to keep this in mind, as we are all trying to do what we can to get through this together.

Now I can imagine a lot of you have outgrown fades, razor partings you can no long find and maybe a neckline that has somehow fused with you back hair. Hair growth is going to happen let’s face it but the good thing about letting that mane grow out is you may actually find yourself liking these longer styles. Here in the UK I found many guys wanted to keep growing their hair and it was just about introducing shape into the cut. But a good cut is not all you need for a great style, you need product. Enter King Brown Pomade with a product for every style and type of hair.

Now I can imagine a lot of you lovely people don’t have a hairdryer now were not here to judge, I know some of you like to do bare minimum on them locks of yours that’s why King Brown have made a range you can use on wet or damp hair even dry hair for the few of that may own or borrow your partners or Mother’s hairdryer.

So, let’s start with King Brown’s Texture Spray. One of my personal fav’s for blow-drying hair with. Its designed to help add volume, texture and help control any hairstyle, great for embracing that surfer style on curly hair. With just a few pumps sprayed on damp hair to be blow dried. It gives you that rough and ready feel, helping you give direction to your style. Now believe it or not the mullet is making a huge comeback. The UK has Australia to thanks for this. It is one of my favourite styles of 2021 and is a great hairstyle for anyone when growing their hair. Embrace the mullet my friends it’s got “big dick energy!!!”

So for anyone who doesn’t like to use a hair dryer, don’t fear we have you covered. Please let me introduce to you King Brown Original. My dears this is an oil-based product and is great for anyone who adores them old school looks.


Now a lot of you maybe in that funny stage, where you have worn your hair forward and now it is getting so long you keep tossing your hair to get it out from your eyes. Not only will you give your self a neck ache but you may also look like a bad imitation of an emo rock band member. Mate it’s time to start wearing that hair back! When your hair is damp apply a nice marble size of The Original from your root to tips. “Ain’t got a comb?” King Brown do them too so no excuses lads. Run that comb through your hair and let it dry. With the beeswax in this product it helps the hair stick to each other, stopping any fly away hairs though out the day. What’s great about this product is that it is reworkable. Run that comb through your hair again to create a new look. And in lockdown 2.0 this is a great use of your time to get jazzy and try something new every day. “Come on, what else is there to do?”

Now let’s say you have that coarse dry hair, even slightly curly and its just getting out of control. A lot of you may try gel. Well all this is going to do is make you look like an extra from Jersey Shore and I don’t think a lot of you will want that image whilst talking to your co-workers over Zoom. King Brown Premium is now your go to. Leave your hair damp and apply Premium evenly through your hair. This product is my go-to in my barbershop for unruly hair. It contains coconut oil, which has natural electrolytes in it that your hair will absorb and helps keep it smooth “Ooohhhh science!”. Here in the UK we have a big client base that love that mid length slicked backed look. But curls can sometimes get in the way. You may have heard the saying “Curls get the Girls”. But dry fluffed out curls don’t! Premium is a great way to condition and smooth those bits of fluff that can kill any Zoom dinner date. I love to blow-dry with this product while using King Brown’s wide tooth comb when the hair is nearly dry. What this does is helps give definition to the curls and gives them a great shine. Now once again a hairdryer is not necessary but it does give that outgrown curly mop a bit more extra “OHLALA!”.

Now let’s say you a have a short trendy crop and that fade isn’t looking so fresh. Mate we have to add some texture to that. I love both these products and depending on your preferred hold, one of these is a great choice. King Brown Matte or King Brown Paste.

Lets start with the Matte. Great shout for anyone with a longer crop as it’s a bit lighter then the Paste. It can get through the hair a lot easier and give a dry look that is defined. Personally, I prefer to use this on dry hair for a more modern finish. Now you don’t need a lot and your best bet it to apply a small amount to your palms of your hand and use your palms lightly to apply and then use your fingers to refine your style. I know that’s a lot to take in, but lads you have got some spare time on your hands to recreate yourself. Find that fresh look you have always wanted to tr during lockdown. Paste Pomade is the stronger out of the two and it’s great for them shorter textured styles. What I adore about this product is you can blow-dry it into the hair for that “extra, extra” dry textured look. Remember only a small amount is required for these desired looks.

Now as for you guys with softer finer hair, King Brown Cream is your new best friend. Its super lite and easy to apply to the hair. A lot of parents here in the UK are either home schooling their children or they’re in a classroom Zoom chat with their teacher. I’m not going to lie, young kids don’t really give a whatsit about their hair, but you the parents do! I tend to use this the most for young kids as it’s not too heavy, and gives a natural shine. A bad hair day can distract any good teacher on a Zoom class, meaning that the teacher won’t give the best lesson because they are focusing on that hair from your kid’s crown sticking up! Its defo kids bad hair days that are affecting the education. Not the fact they can’t socialise or get hands on in class from this Covid thing. NO NO NO! Its defo that bad hair day…. King Brown Cream is ideal as it can be applied to damp or dry hair and combed into style. There you go! A nice tidy school kid ready to take on the world!


So there you have it guys my short but yet helpful guide to help control that lockdown mane.I hope this blog has made you giggle just a tad and inspired you to try something new with King Brown Pomade. They have everything you need on their site including a Style Guide to help give you some inspiration to your next future do.

Signing off Jen Winters King Brown – Ambassador.



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